Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sunday Solitude
I've been buying sweaters to make sweater-coats a la Katwise for Miss 11 and Miss 6, so whenever I get the chance, I snap up sweaters that will work. I think I might have almost enough sweaters to make them now. When I make them I'll be sure to show and tell all about it. Today was pretty slim picking on the sweater front, being December and all, but I did pick up 2 good ones so not a bad Sweater day.
Then I found the Treasure of the day! My Friend "E" has been looking for a sewing machine and had asked me for advice, I of course thought VINTAGE is BEST and told her so. Since then I've been on the lookout for a nice vintage machine for her. Today I spotted it from across the room, I bee-lined over to the lovely turquoise plastic case with small black letters spelling out S I N G E R across the lower edge. Ohhhhh this was going to be good!!!! I hoped. The latches were quickly undone and once I had it opened I was NOT disappointed. LOVELY, Lovely, lovely...... Turquoise vintage sewing machine, so dreamy, I was ever so slightly tempted to hoard all it's loveliness to my self. Knowing better than to do that I got on the phone to see if "E" had a machine yet, she didn't, and truthfully I'd have bought it even if she did, cause you know, it was just too lovely to pass up, someone I know would need it, Right???
I talked to the Gal at the Thrift store, She is super nice, and she told me she was the one who accepted the donation and that she had the story to go with the machine. Can you believe that??? An awesome machine and it's History to boot? Ok, so here's the story, it's sort but sweet. "This woman was around 60 and had received the machine as a gift from her parents when she graduated High School. She had gotten it brand new and had sewed many things on it and said it worked like a dream."
The machine is a Singer 347 Style-Mate. It does Straight stitch, Zig-zag, and Blind Hem stitch. It even has the original manual, it sews so nicely and I oiled it up and checked inside, there was no lint so I'm pretty sure it was serviced recently or at least since last time it was used. It's in excellent condition and needs only a few tiny things to make it LIKE NEW. The Buttonhole attachment was there too, in it's original box with all the little cams and even the Styrofoam inserts to hold everything still. What a find!!!!
Hope you all had a great weekend and a relaxing Sunday as well.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Paper Wreath, $1 craft without the dollar store.
I've seen so many of these online I thought I'd give it a shot and make one.
It was a really fun project and I'd encourage you to try it, it's inexpensive and fun and pretty too boot.
- Old book, preferably unusable, pages falling out etc. ~Free
- A picture for the center, I used one from the book. ~Free
- Cardboard, cereal box works fine. ~Free
- Twine, or in my case a handle from a paper sack ~Free
- Glue stick, the kind kids use like Elmers etc. ~Way under $1
- Hot glue gun and sticks, I probably used around 8 glue sticks. ~ Under $1
- Trim for around your picture, I've seen people use crepe paper, I used frayed fabric edge from some fabric I pre-washed for a project. ~Free
Grand total cost = around $1 (no dollar store needed)
To begin I pulled apart all the book pages, they were falling out so it was pretty easy. Then I made a cone, used glue stick to glue it and proceded to hold it in it's shape till it was set, you only have to hold the first one. After that I made more and stacked them inside the first so they would all be holding each other and not unrolling while the glue dried, it's quick with glue stick.
Cut a 5" cardboard circle (drew around a small plate on a cereal box, Chocolate Cheerios, YUMMMM!!) for the base to glue everything onto. Glue your bag handle or twine loop hanger on the back of the cardboard circle (picture side if using cereal box). You can then cover that side of the cardboard and anything ugly with a layer of book pages that you don't want to use for the front, this will make both sides pretty when it's finished.(I didn't do that and wished I had till I realized I can show you better without it.)
I placed the cones in a circle to get an idea how many I needed and where on the cardboard to glue. Sorry there are no photos of that part, I was actually sitting in bed watching a movie with Mr. B. while I glued it. You know that outlet by your nightstand doesn't have to be for an alarm clock, it could be for a glue gun :-). I use a craft cutting mat actually intended for quilting, with a padded side and a cutting side as an in bed craft table, I don't think Mr.B. is fond of it but I've gotten a lot of crafting done while watching movies with him :)
Started hot gluing the cones around the circle with plain side of cardboard facing up (if using cereal box), and ended by making sure there was an even number of them. Then added another layer of cones between every other one, so that the second layer had only half as many.
Trim down the picture and a piece of cardboard to match each other and fit nicely in the center, glue stick picture to plain side of cardboard, then hot glue the crepe paper or frayed fabric around the back of the cardboard (If your cardboard is thick you might change this so that your edging is between the picture and cardboard so the cardboard edge doesn't show). Now attach your picture piece, centered in the wreath, making sure it's right side up in relation to your hanging loop on the back of the wreath, use a lot of hot glue near the picture's outer edge but not in the "fringe."
YAY!!!!! You are finished!!! I hung mine with a piece of vintage wrapping ribbon, over the top of the door looped around the robe hook that is on the other side, so no damage to the door, just a long piece of ribbon. Be careful with it as it can be squished or torn easily, so I would not put it on the back of a door that runs up against anything. It would be pretty in a window as well, you could do both sides(carefully), or attach a large picture that covers the cardboard backing and make your loop less noticeable, or make 2 that are one layer each and glue them back to back to make it beautiful on both sides for hanging in a window or on a French door.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snowy Mantel
A picture of Miss 10 on her second birthday wearing wings at the playground.
The mantel is L shaped because we have a gas stove.
Tree Art by Nancy of "All Pulped Out"
I'm not sure about the little silhouette tree as part of the fireplace area, but the kids love it so I'm sure it'll stay around even if I move it elsewhere.
I've always been a little stumped when it comes to decorating an L shaped mantel with a little stove. While I'm pleased with how it turned out, it's not "perfect" and it's actually not what I'd first envisioned, but I really like it, and I think I could get away with leaving it up during January and not feel like it's a Christmas leftover. A great BONUS is that I spent $0 this year, I already had everything I needed, I just hadn't put it together before, so it feels new. That's how most of my projects go and I am finally learning to be happy with that. For years I never did anything, because I would start something and it would not be turning out as I had envisioned, so I would get mad and throw it away. Yep, more sewing projects started than finished by far and same goes for crafting and decorating. I think I am finally getting a grasp on doing what is necessary or even what I want and being happy with unexpected results. I am finding that often if I finish the project instead of giving up and tossing it, it turns out better than I had imagined in the beginning, not always, but often enough to make it worth doing.
Here's a list of what I used:
- Old windows, ~ my attic
- 2 Feather Boas ~ $1 each clearance previous year.
- Feather picks ~ Joanne clearance 20 cents each, previous year.
- Votive holders, glasses, cream and sugars, overturned glass cylinder bowl/vase ~ on hand.
- Silver plastic ornaments ~ from a previous "child-proof" Christmas.
- Clear beaded snowflake ornaments (hanging from the ceiling) ~ Handmade by us.
- Crochet snowflakes ~ previous Christmas.
- Silver picture frame ~ thrifted.
- White silhouette "tree" ~ S-bucks day after Christmas clearance.
- Large 2 wick candle with glass tray ~ on hand.
- Candles ~ bag of tea-lights from Ikea
- White lights with a white cord ~ previous Christmas.
- Scotch tape and dental floss for hanging ornaments, we have a plaster ceiling so no thumbtacks.
- The tree art piece, an encaustic paining by Nancy Donaldson of All Pulped Out shows a leafless tree silhouette with lacy curtains, lots of texture and translucent wax. I love it. :-) Oh and I won it during the OWOH in February. :-)
Monday, February 15, 2010
And the winners are...
OWOH has come to a close and the winners for my prizes have been randomly selected. Part of me wishes I could send a prize to all the great bloggers who left such nice comments. I know though that the best prize of all is the amazing people I have met, and I am guessing it is the same for all the participants. My head is nearly exploding with ideas from this frenzy of blog reading. You all impress me so much with your genius and thoughtful ideas. It has certainly been fun, and I look forward to getting to know many of you better and check out your blogs and be inspired by what you have to say and the things you have done. I am amazed by the gorgeous and stunning artwork I have seen and truly feel as though I have been on a little trip to galleries around the globe.
Now the moment we've all been waiting for...
Prize #1 - Holly of It's the little things
Prize #2 - Theresa of Faerie Moon Creations
Prize #3 - Sue Barton of Barton Originals
Prize #4 - Quiltmom of Quiltmom's Journey
My daughter was very excited to be able to give a prize on my blog and can hardly wait till she is a grown up so she can do this sort of thing on her own. I love that she is so willing to give and share with people she has never met till now and the lesson she is learning about friendliness is one I hope will last her a lifetime.
Thank you to all the participants for sharing your talents and for the inspiration you bring to the blog world.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
OWOH - Blog Giveaway!!!!!!
Welcome to my Magic Carpet, please climb on and enjoy the ride as you circle the globe exploring the wonders of One World One Heart!
Welcome to my One World One Heart Giveaway!!!
This is an amazing event organized by the talented Lisa of A Whimsical Bohemian. Thank you Lisa for sharing your time and energy hosting such a fun and wonderful event. At present there are over 1000 bloggers participating and there are still a few days left to join in. It is mostly a community of artists but any blogger is welcome to participate. To learn more, follow the link above or the badge in my sidebar. Check it out, you're sure to have fun and meet other fun bloggers and amazing artists and see their work.
1. Because this is an event designed to bring bloggers together you must have a blog.
2. Leave 1 comment on THIS post (please one comment only) By Midnight February 14th (Pacific time). If you would like to make it a little more fun, please tell me your favorite song. But this is not a requirement, just for fun.
3. Be sure there is a way for me to contact you, in case you are the lucky winner.
4. Winner will be chosen randomly on February 15th and will be contacted by email to get their mailing address.
5. Winner must respond within 2 days or another winner will be chosen.
1st PRIZE:I made these earrings, They are fiery orange cut glass beads with gold plated copper earwires.
Also 1st PRIZE: This is a Flower hairclip I made from a velvet rose and a large salon quality clip. You can wear it in your hair OR clip to a hat or anyplace around the house. I have one clipped to my cloche and it is securely fastened yet quick and easy to put on and take off.
2nd PRIZE: Here is a similar one, a Rose but not velvet.
3rd PRIZE: A hairclip I made with chrysanthemums.
My daughter Really wanted to do a giveaway so I am listing hers here, she will do a drawing from our comments as well, so now you have even more chances to win!
4th Prize Daughter has made a pretty rock star card and has paired that up with a sparkley Iron-on Electric guitar and a flower magnet she made.
Best of Luck to you and Have a wonderful time on your Carpet ride!!!
Don't forget to stop and visit again. Right now I am working on designing some clothes and an art doll and another fun painted toy for the kids, I can hardly wait to show you all! So please check back and see what I've been up to!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Craft Hope for Haiti
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Ingalls Family and Furniture
In my last post I showed you the Little House in the Big Woods, now I get to show you the Family that lives there.
I think working on the people was my favorite part of this project! So Much FUN!!
I started with turned wood people in 3 sizes and began by sketching with pencil what I wanted each one to look like.
I painted them with regular acrylic paints doing layers of color (especially for the hair) and then put a coat of clear spray paint over the dry paint to protect it and give it a glossy finish. The family was really fun to paint and I am really glad I sketched them out before I painted them, I'd have been lost without those guidelines even though I changed some things. I don't have a very steady hand but I like the way they turned out, in the future if I make more I will simplify them a bit.
I used a piece of figured maple and some dowels to make furniture. the bedding is a piece of felted sweater and some squares woven on 2 sizes of those little vintage weaving looms.
I crocheted a little rug from scrap yarn. It's the coziest little house and the kids have so much fun with it, it's a hit for sure!
The "Little House in the Big Woods"
To see the family & furniture check out my Ingalls Family post
It all started with a seemingly innocent trip to the craft store.
I spotted this little "bird" house and the wheels started turning. Before long I pictured it nestled deep in the "Big Woods" or standing alone on "the Prarie" a cute little house, waiting to be lived in by the brave and adventurous Ingalls family. My girls LOVE the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and I read them all when I was growing up. SO it seemed like the perfect project for a Christmas surprise.
Here's how made the House and Family, up late at night working in the kitchen in the quiet.
There is a seam on the end wall equal with the top of the front wall where it is glued and has some brads running through.
To break that I put a putty knife in gave it a light tap with a hammer and pried the pieces apart, then pulled the brads out with pliers.
I used a hacksaw to cut the log out of the bottom of the door, then chipped away the remaining glue with the putty knife. No I'm not known for insisting that the tool be the "correct" one for the job, if it works and my use doesn't damage it then I figure we're fine.
Then came the fun part.
I mixed regular acrylic paint with water to make a stain and brushed it onto the cabin with a sponge brush, then wiped it off with a paper towel.
I ended up doing several layers to get the color depth that I wanted.
I did the same with the roof and interior but used different colors for each. Painted the chimney a few times before I got what I wanted.
When I had finished the house it was Perfect!