I love all things vintage so it is no surprise that I LOVE to see shops around town that have been here since the 40's or 50's. It's even better if they have kept their original signage. It really makes me happy to see a vintage sign with the neon working. There are a few really wonderful ones that I see at least once a week and some more that are scattered around town. Sadly many have been recently replaced or the buildings torn down or remodeled. Today as I was out running errands I stopped to snap a couple photos of some of the ones along my route. These are my favorites. I might do another post with more later.

Yes that is a giant shovel and rake, about 30+ feel tall. This shop has the coolest building too, very 50's ranch style with huge windows and a low-pitch roof that lends to the long low feeling of of the building. Besides that it's painted a lovely shade of turquoise. When we finish the addition to our house and get to move to other projects I hope to buy some flagstone or something similar for my yard from them. It's silly but I love this business for being here a long time and having an awesome sign, and I haven't even shopped there yet.

Several years ago they took the totem sign and had it fully restored, I think it was very worth while. As I was snapping this photo I realized that I have never eaten there. I think that is really strange but it's probably because I used to be a vegetarian and didn't eat at many restaurants in general. Anyway I have added it to the list of places to try when I get a chance. I wonder what the inside of the restaurant looks like, I wish I could go there tonight just to find out, and of course it has nothing to do with my not wanting to cook dinner. :-)

This sign is one that I hope gets restored and not replaced, the other side is actually less weathered and nicer, but harder for me to get a decent photo of. I took my wedding dress here to have it cleaned. They did an AWESOME Job and only charged me half what everyone else would have charged. They ROCK!
So that is a little tour of some of the neat vintage signs in my town. Hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have some neat ones in your town too.
These signs remind me of the signs I would see when I was a kid in Los Angeles. Old furniture stores, dry cleaners, liquor stores, and restaurants. Very cool!
Thanks for sharing these pics-they are very cool!
There really are some great signs where you live! Here, the only old sign, I think, is a Stewarts. Everything else is so uniform :(
The Totem restaurant is pretty cool. Small and really pretty 50's is inside too. Perhaps some of the staff have been there the whole time as well *grins*. The food is aslo very reminiscent of the 50's (well, I wasn't around then, but you know), huge servings, simple and wholesome and not too bad for pricing if I remember correctly.
Woah - small world. I live in the same town.
PastTimeSigns.com specializes in manufacturing a variety of vintage reproduction heavy duty metal products such as clocks, signs, oil cans, and thermometers.
Our primary goal is to produce custom products for customers to retail or use in promotions. We also produce a range of stock products and graphics for wholesale or retail.
We design and make our signs in the United States using 24 gauge American steel and a process known as sublimation, where the image is baked into a powder coating for a durable and long lasting finish. We then perform a vintaging process by hand to give this sign an aged look and feel. The edges of this sign are rounded for extra rigidity and the corners are drilled and riveted for easy hanging.
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